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安丘翼鑫機械有限公司Anqiu Yixin Machinery Co., Ltd.不斷推陳出新 致力于產品研發、更新和完善


當前位置主頁 > 產品中心> Composite flow closed cooling tower

Composite flow closed cooling tower


Composite flow closed cooling tower

Working principle The high temperature working fluid flows in the coil, the outer wall of the coil is coated with spray water, the heat of the fluid is transferred through the tube wall, and the water and air travel saturated wet and hot steam, the heat is discharged into the atmosphere by the fan, the spray water in the process of circulation through the PVC heat sink to reduce the temperature, and the fresh air into the formation of feng shui flow in the same direction, the coil mainly relies on the wet and hot heat conduction mode, The important feature of the working principle of the composite flow closed cooling tower is that ****** may inhibit the formation of scale on the outer wall of the coil. Closed cooling tower


1, cooling effect is good. Air inlet window and top two-way air inlet, sufficient dry cold air and spray water contact, cooling efficiency is higher.

2. Prevent scaling. The cooler is above the packing, the direction of the inlet and exhaust air and the spray water form the same flow, which effectively avoids the dry point, and the spray water completely covers the outer wall of the pipe to prevent the formation of scale at the dry point.

3, low noise, low speed wide blade fan. The wearing parts adopt well-known brands, low failure rate and low maintenance cost.

4, high air bucket exhaust system, to ensure ventilation, heat dissipation, to ensure cooling effect.

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安丘翼鑫機械有限公司 備案號:魯ICP備19026764號-1