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安丘翼鑫機械有限公司Anqiu Yixin Machinery Co., Ltd.不斷推陳出新 致力于產品研發、更新和完善


當前位置主頁 > 產品中心> Countercurrent closed cooling tower

Countercurrent closed cooling tower


Countercurrent closed cooling tower

Working principle The high-temperature working fluid enters the surface cooler, and the waste heat contacts with the falling spray water through the outer wall of the coil for heat and mass exchange, and alternately forms saturated hot and humid air with the dry and cold air entering the bottom. The heat is discharged by the top fan, and the water is blocked by the special structure of the dehydrator back to the collection tank for recycling.


1. Compact structure. Compared with other models, the countercurrent closed tower generally does not use stuffing inside, and the structure is more compact, reducing the footprint and meeting the space needs of users. If customers have special requirements for stuffing, we can also customize non-standard stuffing type.

2. High efficiency. Uniform distribution of air volume, less heat dissipation blind area, high heat exchange efficiency; The high air bucket design ensures that the operating air volume of the equipment meets the heat dissipation requirements.

3, auxiliary equipment. For some small cooling projects, we connect the cooling tower with the circulating water pumping station system and control system to form a complete set of integrated models for easy installation and use.

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安丘翼鑫機械有限公司 備案號:魯ICP備19026764號-1