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安丘翼鑫機械有限公司Anqiu Yixin Machinery Co., Ltd.不斷推陳出新 致力于產品研發、更新和完善


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Screw belt mixer


Screw belt mixer

Screw belt mixers from the critical reactor system to the conventional mixing operation process can prove that the exquisite design process and high manufacturing standards can extend the service life of the equipment and reduce maintenance costs to provide a strong guarantee.
Applications: Chemical, water and water treatment, flue gas desulphurization (FGD), petrochemical, metallurgical processes.
Precision gear design for compact structure, higher strength and longer service life: dry well structure on the output shaft prevents oil leakage;
Tenin has a bearing life of more than 100.000 hours: the robust bearing housing design isolates the vibration of the gearbox and ensures a longer gearbox life;
Various seal types can be used to meet different requirements;

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  • 公司地址公司地址山東省濰坊市安丘經濟開發區明湖北路
安丘翼鑫機械有限公司 備案號:魯ICP備19026764號-1